An incredible conclusion to an equally incredible first season.Ī neo-western episode entirely centred around Zuko you say? Sign me up. These two episodes are filled to the brim, we see Sokka’s girlfriend turning into the moon (without this we wouldn’t have Zuko’s iconic line), Aang transforming into his avatar state and taking out the Fire Nation and the face stealer, who is just terrifying. This is the biggest event team avatar has been a part of up until now so they are many close calls. The season has built to this, the Fire Nation’s attack on the northern Water Tribe. These two episodes mark the climatic end of our first season with the avatar. Season 1: Siege of the North Part 1 and Part 2 Easy answers imply it was an easy decision and I’d imagine this decision shocked Zuko the most. The audience aren’t given easy answers as to why Zuko freed Aang. However, a mysterious masked figure saves Aang, revealed as none other than Prince Zuko, who up until now has been hell bent on the avatar’s capture.

In this episode, Aang is captured by General Zhao with seemingly no hope of escape. It marks the start of a long personal journey from antagonist to ally: a journey which spans the entire show and a central reason so many love both Zuko and the show. ‘The Blue Spirit’ is one of the initial turning points for Zuko’s character. Yet what ‘The Storm’ does is give insight into their pasts, showcasing traumatic events that shaped who they are. Aang is ‘childish’ and Zuko is obsessed with honour. The episode plays on our expectations of our current protagonist, Aang, and antagonist, Zuko, to stay within their roles. ‘The Storm’ is a fan favourite and for good reason, it’s one of the earlier episodes whic proves that Avatar: The Last Airbender is not your average children’s cartoon. As such, here are 10 of the best episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Each episode is listed as it appears in the show. I have also not ranked any of these episodes because I don’t think I need to, they all deserve your eyes and ears. To try keep this list somewhat fair and because I’m a cheater, I’ve grouped any multiple part episodes into one (Sozin’s Comet has four parts okay).
Avatar the last airbender episode 2 watchcartoononline series#
The series features well developed characters spanning beyond the main cast, fantastic storytelling, questions of morality, fluid and exciting animation and is just a joy to watch fresh or re-watch. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a series which proved that cartoons aren’t just for kids.