
Make windows 10 look like mac does it work
Make windows 10 look like mac does it work

make windows 10 look like mac does it work

It's worth taking a look at Windows 10, the jump from 8 is significant although tbh the tablet mode on Surface is a bit of a clusterfuck but I use it on normal desktop mode as a work machine so not too bothered about that. The Surface has a really nice retina screen so everything looks good for me although on the external monitor it's not as sharp as something like a big iMac would be but on the Surface itself I'd imagine you wouldn't notice any significant difference between it and a retina laptop. I'll take performance over display quality any day. The only upside you may find with buying a new iMac is the very, very nice monitor but honestly most of the people you design for are not using a 5k apple display and I see no reason to fool yourself while you work. If anyone wants specs I'll post but, simply put, its streets ahead of anything you can buy in that price range from Apple. Needless to say, I doubt I'll ever buy another piece of Apple hardware again. I never need to worry about cross-compatibility, I simply jump into the ecosystem required. I do prefer working with the Mac UI but their hardware is seriously overpriced and underpowered, not to mention lack of gaming potential. If you're building from scratch, you could probably make it work for about $1500 +/- a few hundred. No word of a lie, I've had zero issues and it's the fastest machine I've ever had the pleasure of working with, all for around $1000 in upgrades on a 6 year old PC. Long story short, in a single evening I had a computer up and running that dual-boots Windows and Mac and has performed flawlessly ever since. I bought only the specified hardware listed (important) with the exception of the video card that I already had on hand. So, I bit the bullet and followed a guide on. I was a little worried as paying my rent depended on this to work but I honestly couldn't justify the price/performance ratio of an apple machine (I also don't mind living on the edge sometimes).


The choice was either spend $2k+ on a new iMac, $1200ish on a very low-spec Mac Mini, or upgrade my current pc and build a hackintosh. I was in a bind and really had to find a solution quickly or I'd be without a job. A remote job I had required me to use Sketch, but my Mac laptop was woefully out of date and couldn't run it. I had to find a way around this issue recently. However, most interface design still happens on Macs in this industry, so it will be frustrating not having all the new shiny toys. I sorely missed the terminal, but with the new Linux sub-system on Windows that will be less of a concern. It actually feels snappier, to me, than OSX a lot of the time. In VR, we did mainly realtime rendering instead of pre-render, but we still used render pipelines for creating specific assets that are just unreasonable on Mac (also, we didn't have a true renderfarm so we rendered locally).

make windows 10 look like mac does it work

The fact is that today's best renderers focus solely on nVidia/CUDA means anything with a AMD GPU right now is getting seriously left behind. Windows has some serious pros if you are working in 3D. do you have examples of incompatibilities? Generally, all my apps were cross-platform and we weren't writing OS-specific code. On Mac I do a ton of prototyping in Framer, so I missed having Framer Studio on Windows.

make windows 10 look like mac does it work

Affinity Designer, which has been plugged here recently, is a pretty good Sketch replacement on it's own but for Windows it's a must-have since Sketch doesn't exist in that world.

  • Adobe Suite, Maya/C4D/Modo, Unity, Affinity Designer (Beta at the time, don't know current dev status), Substance Suite.
  • At my last job I had a PC rig (alongside my Macbook Pro):

    Make windows 10 look like mac does it work